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Cornell Porcelain Lumber Jack Model

Age: 18 y/o


Height: 6'1"


Weight: 167 lbs


Shirt Size: Medium


Pants Size: 34/32


Shoe Size: 11-11.5


Contact Date: 2/21/2019


Interest in Modeling: I have an interest in modeling because I'm, very photogenic. I always catch myself looking and posing in a mirror anywhere I am.


Favorite type of Modeling: promotional, I love seeing myself in new apparel getting to expand my variety of clothes and being able to bring some type of marketing that specific brand.





Favorite Pose: I love to smile. If I had to count how many times a day, I wouldn't be able to, just because I smile all day. 


Favorite Facial Expression: I'll say my favorite expression is a suspicious look. I am always looking around to make sure my surroundings are safe.


Favorite style of Photography: My favorite type of photography would have to be street photography. Put me in a natural environment and I can guarantee I can give you a million dollar pose.


Favorite clothing to wear: I'll say my favorite type of clothing to wear id denim. I love how denim is like a freestyle thing. I can put a lot together with denim.


Favorite Designer: My favorite designer is one of my close friends Phil Vaughn with DEDWORLDWIDE. I love his brand and the clothes he makes. If I need any custom work done to anything with my clothes, I'll always hit him up first, just because, I like his eye for fashion.


Favorite Hairstyle: My favorite hairstyle has to be mid-cut taper with waves.


Favorite Accessory: I am not really sure what my favorite accessory is right now.


Favorite Photoshoot: I'd Have to say my favorite type of photo shoot would be a beauty shoot.


Monthly Photo Sets

Simply You

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